JET LAG magazine

旅に持ち歩くガイドブックは、軽くてコンパクトなのがいい。好きなことや目的に特化した必要な情報だけが詰まっていてほしい。そんな旅人のために創刊した「JET LAG」。
JET LAGはわずか8ページの小さな雑誌で、スマートフォンに保存ができるPDF仕様になっています。スマートフォンを片手に旅をするトラベラーたちが、最終目的地にたどり着けるように、PDF上からGoogle MAPへダイレクトにアクセスすることもできます。

JET LAGと一緒に、次の目的地に出かけましょう。

発行人 : 株式会社 i heart
Editor in Chief : Yoshimi Hayashi
Editor : Kozue Sato

JET LAG Magazine

Nov. 2017 Issue
The best guidebooks when travelling are ones that are light and compact. Ideally, they should contain just enough information for what you’re interested in or for the purpose of your trip. With this in mind, JET LAG magazine was created for those who truly love travel. Each issue will guide you to the places you want to go while providing a travel theme. At only 8 pages, or viewable on your smartphone as a PDF, JET LAG is easy to take with you. For travellers who always have a smartphone in hand, there is direct access to Google Maps via interactive links in the PDF to help you get to where you’re going. Head out to your next destination together with JET LAG!

A PDF version can be downloaded and saved on your smartphone. With an iPhone or another smart device, please save the PDF to iBooks, Dropbox, etc.

*Some browsers like Instagram have limited functionality and may not allow you to save the PDF to iBooks.

Publisher : i heart, Inc
Editor in Chief : Yoshimi Hayashi
Editor : Kozue Sato